Rush Lawn Care has several applications to rid your lawn of unwanted yard pests. See below for a brief list of some of the pests we specialize in controlling. Declare victory over your lawn by requesting a FREE estimate today!

Crayfish or Crawdads

Yes, we have found them in our lawns. With the recent rain and flooding in some parts of the state, you may find crawdads where you think they don't belong. These crustaceans are also referred to as crawfish, mud bugs, or stonecrabs.

Fire Ants, Fleas and Ticks

Rush Lawn Care & Design also provides applications to control Fire Ants and fleas and ticks.


We use products to move the grubworms out of the area by killing their food source.  We recommend applying a preventative in April or September when the grubs are smaller and more manageable. Other times of the year, we apply an insecticide to gain control.


Last year marked the 17-year locust coming-out.  An article from the Univeristy of Tennessee Extension Service provided excellent information on what to look for.


Moles are still the most common pests in the area. Moles are small but destructive. The six-inch long fur-covered mammal weighs about four ounces, but it can destroy a perfectly groomed lawn.


Voles are also becoming a nuisance in some southerner’s lawns. Also called meadow mice or field mice, voles can cause damage to your trees, ornamental plants and small lawn areas.